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Top 10 Uses of Would

Use of would

The word “would” is used in various contexts in the English language. Would is the past form of will. In the below discussion, you will learn  10 uses of would.

Here is the list of the Top 10 uses of would :

Let’s dig into each use.

1. Future in the Past

“Would” can express actions that were planned or expected to happen in the past.

For example:

2. For Repeated Actions in the Past

Mostly for habitual actions, we use “used to”. But to explain further sentences of certain habitual activities of the past we use would. Let’s consider a situation in which you are describing your childhood memory. So you will explain like I used to go to school. But to explain the further situation you can use would. For instance, I would play cricket. I would fight with my friends. I would beat them.I would enjoy with them. Have a look on the below examples to get a clear understanding.

3. Hypothetical Statements

Would is used to talk about hypothetical or imagined situations.

For example:

4. Polite Requests or Offers

The word “would” is used when making requests or offers in a polite manner.

For example:

5. Choice or Preference

A similar sentence is also framed instead of “I would rather have coffee than tea”.The sentence will be ” I prefer coffee to tea”.Point to be noted that with “would rather” you have to use “than”  and with “prefer” you have to use “to”.Read the below example to get a clear idea.

6. Conditional Sentences

In conditional sentences, we use would.

Certain conditional sentences  “would have” also used. If the sentence starts with had then you will use “would have “.And if the sentence starts with “were” then you will use would to explain conditional sentences. To illustrate see the examples:

7. Desire Sentences

In these sentences “would like to” is used. When you want to describe your desire to do something then you will use “would like to” in your sentences.

8. Future Possibility

The sentences in which we use “perhaps”, we will replace this “perhaps”  word with would. The use of would here show the possibility of happening certain things in future.

All these sentences represent the possibility of happening certain things in future so we can use would in these types of sentences.

9. For Future

In American English for future “would” is used. See the examples you will get a clear idea:

Instead of using I shall meet him tomorrow or I will meet him tomorrow you can also use “would”.

10. Use of Would that

Would that” is simply a synonym for “I wish that” or “I regret that.”

  1. Would that the sun would shine brightly on this gloomy day.
  2. Would that I had the power to heal all wounds and mend broken hearts.
  3. Would that love could conquer all conflicts and bring about lasting peace.
  4. Would that every child could have access to quality education and opportunities.
  5. Would that I could travel back in time and correct my past mistakes.

Read More: Use of May and Might
Read More: Use of Can And Could

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