All of these past modal verbs are used to talk about things that didn’t actually happen in the past.
Should Have+ past participle
When we had missed the opportunity in the past and after getting it missed, we talked about right and wrong regarding the situation. The situation might be of two types. In the First case when we explain a situation to someone, it is like a advice, while when we talk about the situation with ourselves, it is like regret. Let’s get more clarity with examples:
- I should have come home on a half-day leave.
- I should have proposed to that girl.
- You should have listened to me.
- They should have saved some money.
- You should have called me.
- You should have seen his face when I called him uncle.
Shouldn’t Have + past participle
It is used in situations when something is not to be done but you did it and also in that circumstance when something should be done but you not did it.
- He shouldn’t have put money in the stock market.
- You shouldn’t have talked to me like this.
- I should ‘t have married.
Would Have + past participle
After we missed the opportunity, we talked about the reason . For instance “If that reason was not occurring then it will be like that”. During this situation we use would have in sentences.
- If my brother had come by 7’o clock I would have visited the doctor with him.
- If I had learned English I would have got a good job.
- If you had told the truth I would have forgiven you.
- If you had married in Delhi I would have definitely come.
- If I hadn’t been sick, we would have partied.
Wouldn’t Have + past participle
Would ‘t have can be used in those sentences when you say if you know the result particular situation then you will not do this?
- If I had known your intentions I would ‘t have lent you money.
- Had I known your intentions I would not have lent you money.
- If I had ‘t seen your photo I would ‘t have recognized you.
- If you hadn’t finished your homework I would ‘t have let you go out.
- If I had seen my future I wouldn’t have married.
Could Have + past participle
Could have been used in those situations when there was a possibility or ability in the past, but you didn’t do it. could have also used in those circumstances when we want to make a about something that happened in the past regardless knowing whether we are saying right or wrong. We just give our opinion of what maybe happened.
Have a look on the below examples:
- I could have taken a sleeping pill.
- You could have avoided the accident by driving slowly.
- If Sachin had played India could have won the match.
- If I had to clean the utensils I could have done it in a 5-star hotel.
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Couldn’t Have+ past participle
It is used when it is impossible to do something even if you doing a lot of effort to do it.
- We couldn’t have saved his life even if we had taken him to hospital.
- The thief was so strong that I couldn’t have caught him by myself.
- You couldn’t have passed without tuition.